3/2019 Power & Voltage Benefits of Buck-Boost Converters
Buck-boost converters make it easy to manage voltage for applications that involve a wide variety of input voltages
As their name may imply, buck-boost converters join together elements of buck converters and boost converters in one circuit.
When the power source reaches a higher voltage than the input voltage, the buck converter kicks in to reduce it (this is why they’re also called step-down converters). On the other hand, if the power source voltage drops below input voltage, the boost (or step-up) converter will raise the voltage back up.
Some of the many applications that benefit from buck-boost converters include:
- Self-regulating power supplies
- Battery power chargers & systems
- Hybrid electric circuits
- Solar power systems
- Power audio amplifiers
At MPS Industries, we create custom inductors that can be integrated with buck-boost converter applications.
To find out more about how buck-boost converters work and their topologies, check out our application notes below.