With Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the rear-view mirror, the holiday shopping season has hit full stride. As expected, these two highly anticipated shopping days did not disappoint in 2012; in fact, Cyber Monday was most likely the busiest eCommerce day in history up 30% from last year. In addition, both days proved that even traditional shoppers have become highly tech savvy consumers. As a leading manufacturer of electronic components for consumer electronics, MPS is thrilled about this latest trend. You will find our custom transformers, inductors, sensors, and power supplies in holiday gift favorites like laptops, printers, game consoles, DVR boxes, and just about anything, you plug in or charge. Tech focused companies like Best Buy, Amazon, and eBay had outstanding stock performances on Cyber Monday and most are expecting their strongest holiday seasons ever. The way American’s shop and the products they shop for, has fundamentally changed.
In order to take advantage of this massive retail paradigm shift MPS combines outstanding cost-effectiveness with the ability to support high volume production of your custom designed electronic components. Our team of design, production, and supply chain experts know how to get products to market fast. Therefore, you can get custom electronic components at the right price and in time to take advantage of the even the most chaotic holiday season.
If you want to jump into the 21st century feet first, contact MPS today and let us show you the way to the future!