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Sales Drives Engineering, Engineering Drives Sales

It’s one thing to be a generic electronic component manufacturer, churning out the same identical transformers, inductors, and magnetic components on a day-to-day basis. There’s certainly a market for that – plenty of applications use off-the-shelf parts. But for custom components, you need a manufacturer who can combine a task-oriented sales force and a smart, driven engineering team that is up for solving any task you throw their way. This means coming to a manufacturer like MPS Industries.

Sales Driving Engineering

Sometimes, a component is purely customer-driven – a current or potential buyer has a specific need to be filled, and they need a great company to work with. Our sales staff will meet with the customer, discuss the needs and requirements of the component, and then work with the engineering team to develop a product that meets the need. The sales team can then help the customer tweak the product as needed, develop pricing, and work on prototypes and production quantities.

Engineering Driving Sales

Other times, our engineering team drives the sales of traditional and custom components through their innovative design. Maybe one of our team members hits on a component that fits an unfilled niche in the market, or has an epiphany over lunchtime on how to improve an existing component. Or, maybe one of those happy accidents occurs where a component seemingly wills itself into existence. In all of these cases, our team would produce a prototype, and place the product in our list of components on our website. If a customer then inquiries about a specific part on our website, the sales team can quote pricing and work with engineering on any customer requested modifications.

Working Together for the Customer

In the end, sales and engineering are working towards the same final goal – satisfying your needs as a customer, regardless of your requirements or industry. Here at MPS, we serve industries including (but not limited to):

  • Automotive
  • Renewable Energy
  • Industrial
  • Military and Aerospace
  • Medical
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Telecommunications

If you are interested in working with us here at MPS Industries, contact us today to talk to our staff and set up a meeting to discuss your industry needs. Even if you don’t have an immediate need, we’d be happy to hear from you and start developing a relationship. You can keep in touch and see what we are doing through our LinkedIn page, our Twitter, or by checking back here at our blog on a regular basis.

Sales Drives Engineering, Engineering Drives Sales

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